Spring Promises

You can’t help but love the Spring season.  Especially if there are obstacles in your path.  The very fact of Spring, its inevitable, predictable, magical rebirth offers renewal and hope, new beginnings, starting over and second chances.  You can’t help but see this when you witness green shoots pushing up out of the barren ground.  Couple that with the incredible artistry wrought by Ms. Mother Nature when showing off the early stages of her creations, the ones that precede the ultimate displays which are much more familiar to us.

Below I’ve captured one of these harbingers found in my backyard yesterday. A fern about to be unfurled. Revealed with a macro lens that digs a little deeper, moves in a little closer to glimpse these little early miracles of shape and form and color.  Albert Einstein suggested that if you look deep into nature, you will understand everything better.  I would only add that getting there early adds to the comprehension, and wonder, and promise.