… this being the 4th of July and all. So I enlisted this guy or gal (I think a Red-shouldered Hawk -- but I'll wait to hear from some of you birders out there) to help celebrate our great American Holiday.
Good story: I spent the better part of the day in 3 of the parks near me in upper Westchester laden down with 25 lbs of equipment -- big telephoto, 2x extender, tripod, remote trigger. Nothing, nada, zilch.
Pulled into my driveway, stopped to get newspapers and mail and look who's screeching away, 40 yards distant in the neighboring wetlands. Got off 5 shots hand held braced against the back fender. [800 mm, 1/50th of second, f13, iso 3200]
Full disclosure: I used a great new app in Photoshop under the sharpening menu, something called "reduce camera shake." It won't help if the subject moves but for low shutter speed camera movement, quite an improvement.
Wishing you the best 4th ever to you all.